You are the great Creator who made all things from nothing. You are holy perfection, and we owe you perfect lives of adoration and praise. O God, if you kept a record of our sins and held us accountable for them, we could never stand before you for a moment, let alone know you, love you, and approach you in our time of need. Father, help us to be amazed today that with you there is steadfast love and plentiful redemption. Fill our lukewarm hearts with deep and lasting gratitude for our perfect redemption in Christ.
We confess that we find it difficult to wait for you, Lord. As we look back on the cross, we know that you are a promise-keeping God who is wiser, kinder, and more loving than we are. You are powerful beyond our imagination, and you always accomplish your will. You have saved us from sin, you are saving us from ourselves, and you have promised us future salvation, but we want our desires satisfied now. We want excellent health and financial security; peaceful relationships and satisfying careers; perfect spouses, children, parents, and friends; perfect churches; and freedom from weakness and besetting sins. We want heaven now, and we struggle with anger and bitterness when you keep your promise that our lives here on earth will be characterized by suffering and tribulation. We rush frantically from one painful moment to the next, desperately trying to fix our problems and escape discomfort, instead of quieting our hearts before you. Father, forgive us.
Jesus, you waited patiently for your Father’s timing. No one hurried you and nothing panicked you, for you trusted your very life to the will of God. From your first breath to your last, you kept the law for us so that we could be freed from its curse. You have been patient for us; now be patient with us and help us to grow into people who put their hope in you and wait for you more than watchmen for the morning. When the time is right you will come again and make all things new. Help us to wait submissively for the fullness of our salvation, and to celebrate joyfully the salvation that you give us every day. Amen.