❝If you are going to pray, don’t worry. If you are going to worry, don’t pray.❞
Share your Prayer Request & Pray for Others
Nikolaeva Maria
Pray that the Lord will heal Dmitry, Ekaterina, Artem; Sophia, Miron, Svetlana, Karina, Andrey, Rose, Alexandra, Michail, Maria, Elena, Yaroslava, Olga; Timothy, Muslim, Oksana, Michail, Marina, Arseny, Anton, Anastasya; Alexey, Tatyana, Anatoly, Galina, Andrey, Petr, Anastasia, Michail, Alena, Gleb, and Anna.
Pray also for The Novatorov 13 and Novatorov 10 children's houses and playgrounds. Pray for Alexandra and for the welfare of the children in these and their parents.
Pray for Nadezhda and The Malakhovsky hospital children care and doctors.
Pray for The 3 maternity hospital children care and doctors: Elisabeth, and Arseny.
Pray for The 5 hospital children care and doctors: Alexandra, Mila.
Pray for people living on the 13, Novatorov street; the 125 kindergarten group children care and teachers; the karate groups children care and teachers; the dance groups children and care and teacher.
Pray also for the 81a house Zyryanovskaya street arrendators, visitors with their families.
Pray for the kyokushinkai karate group children care and teachers; for Valeria and the taekwondo group children care and teachers. Pray for Anatoly and the dance groups children and adult care and teachers.
Pray for Alexy and the drawing group children care and teachers. Pray for the Sunday school group. Pray also for Grigory and the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ children care and teachers.
Pray for the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ people care and priests. Pray also to the Lord to visit his fallen servants with his infinite love for humanity, so that the work of his hands may not perish to the end. In the name of Jesus. Amen.